Thursday, October 19, 2006

I'm dead.

It's true. That's why I didn't call you, [insert name of crazy cousin, neighbor, classmate, uncle], the second I got home from the jail. It's a good thing you checked up on me, who would feed the cats afterall. Geez louise, peoples!!! :P

Okay so I'm not dead, but I am dead tired, exhausted, and really grimy from walking back and forth from the PD's to the jail in the FREAKING HOT SUN WHY GOD WHY IT IS FREAKING OCTOBER FOR PETUNIA'S SAKE!!!

But I (tiredly) digress. This interviewing-inmates-experience has been overwhelming, life-changing, I laughed, I cried, it was so much better than Cats, I want to see it again and again. (sorry, old SNL gag) And I go back tomorrow. My mind is filled to the brim with newness and curiosities and a strange, heart-pounding peacefulness. Everyone at the office has assured me it will wear off soon enough - all the more reason to savor it right now.

I have so much to tell. Oooooooh and I'll have even more after tomorrow!!!! And then on Tuesday I get to shadow!! MAN life is good


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